artist statement

I am a holistic humanist.

In my work I am exploring themes of interconnectedness, compassion, and the intrinsic value of all life. I aim to reflects a holistic approach to humanity, acknowledging the interdependence between humans, animals, plants and the environment. 

My commitment is promoting empathy, understanding, and ethical responsibility in my artistic practice, drawing inspiration from humanist principles while extending them to encompass a broader worldview that values the well-being of all living beings.

artist statement

Jsem humanista.

Ve své práci zkoumám témata propojenosti, soucitu a vnitřní hodnoty všeho života. Snažím se odrážet holistický přístup k lidstvu, uznávající vzájemnou závislost mezi lidmi, zvířaty, rostlinami a životním prostředím. 

Svou uměleckou praxí podporuji empatii, porozumění a etickou odpovědnost.  Inspiraci čerpám z humanistických principů a zároveň je rozšiřuji tak, aby zahrnovaly širší světonázor, který oceňuje blaho všech živých bytostí.

short biography

miharu micha's practice explore the overlaps that exist between photography, drawing and painting. Her research interests include visual culture, subjective lived experience and social phenomenology. She graduated from Charles University of Prague with an MA in Art Education with Russian Literature & Language.  She then carried out further study at Universidad Autonoma in Madrid and Pushkin Institute in Moscow. 

Micha has worked for National Gallery in Prague, Art Institute of Chicago, Ewing Public Relations in Prague and Unicredit Bank in Prague. She is now self employed, in areas that involve the science of the body and mind and eastern philosophy. 

Text by Jacqueline Ennise-Cole

press mentions, photo stories & articles

exhibitions, shows, awards & projects

2024 Bethanien Berlin, October 24-29, Metamorphosis, (group exhibition)

2024 Trieste Photo Days,  IT,  project Urban Synapses, September - October

2024 Moravske Kopanice, Lopenik, CZ, Laundry  (part of group exhibition) July - August

2024 Athens Photo Festival Satelite (AthP:24),  Metamorphosis (part of group exhibition) June 8-29

2023 Vienna Photo Award, AT, Honorary mention (group exhibition, screening) link here

2023 Trieste Photo Days, Urban Photo Awards - Semifinals, IT, (group exhibition)

2023 Photo Frome Festival, UK, Intersectional Matters: Invaded Space (group exhibition) 

2023 London Independent Photographers in Espacio Gallery, London, UK, Eco Human Experiment: Water (group exhibition) 

2022-23 American Center U.S. Embassy, Praha, CZ, Frank Gehry Ephemeral (group exhibition) 

2020 Egoist Fashion Gallery, Praha, CZ, Pomíjivost [Transience

2020 Monastery Rajhrad, CZ, Between Woods & Earth (A horror story)

2019 Monastery Rajhrad, CZ, F!Festival [Benedictine

2019 Monastery Rajhrad, CZ, [Tripple transient portrait

2018 ex Mosilana Brno, CZ, F!Festival [Sences

2017 ex Mosilana Brno, CZ, F!Festival [Black and White stories in Toscana

2016 La Fabrika Praha, CZ, fashion stl [Soul Armour

2011 Rock Café Praha, CZ [Regards from the southern hemisphere

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